All body hair including eyebrows and eyelashes continuously fall off and replaced by new one! For faster growth and more beautiful look special care is needed! For women this is very important because many times that seductive look is all it takes to get that man! Because it has an almost magical impact on all types of hair, castor oil is ideal for improving your eyebrows and eyelashes! Maine reason for damaging eyelashes is not removing makeup before going to sleep! Makeup makes eyelashes heavier than they should be and more you use intensive makeup, bigger are the chances for your eyelashes t0o fell off!
How to put castor oil on eyebrows and eyelashes?
Simplest way to do it is to rubbing it gently into eyebrows and eyelashes. How to do this? Simply put some castor oil on your finger and gently start to rub. In case that you don't like to use fingers, you can dip some cotton in castor oil and rub it in. Best time to do this is before going to sleep because you will not have a problem of being a bit oily around your eyes! Castor oil is very friendly and there is no side effect in case some of it goes into your eyes!
On Thursday, October 09, 2014