October 20, 2014

Castor oil for acne

You got acne's? You tried it all, spend a small fortune but nothing helps? Maybe you did not tried it all! Castor oil is one of the best things for cleansing face and removing acne! By using castor oil say goodbye to acnes!!!

Castor oil for acne

castor oil acne acnes
Castor oil has specific structure and because of that is can go deep inside a skin. This and high percentage of ricinoleic acid and vitamin E makes castor oil one of the best natural oils for cleansing face and acnes! Other oil only had surface effect on skin but castor oil has a deeper effect! Cleansing skin with oil is knows for many, many years! When you put oil on skin it connects with all the impurities and grease from skin. By using castor oil, we now can remove even impurities that are deeper in skin! This has one side effect - it can dry your skin! When your skin is dry, reaction of body it make is smooth by greasing it even more. Because of that, castor oil for acnes is better when is used in combination with olive oil! 

October 16, 2014

castor oil for hair growth and baldness

There are lots of product for hair growth and balding! No matter what product you use, they all have one thing in common - they all have castor oil as main ingredient!

Bald - hair loss

baldness stop castor oil
So what exactly is baldness or hair loss? Baldness is weakness or total destruction of hair root so hair that is going out from that root is very easy to fell off! When root is in that condition, hair very easy and fast fell off and very see that spot on head as hairless, that we see it as bald! Few more facts about baldness. Baldness is hereditary so if your father, grandfather or uncle is bald, there are good chance that you will go bald too! Baldness is men "disease"and it usually start from early thirties. Woman can also suffer from baldness but it's very, very rare. Besides genetics, there are few more causes that can make someone go bald. Those causes are stress, trauma, side effect from medicine,etc.

How to stop baldness natural way? Use castor oil!

baldness stop castor oil
There is simple solution for stopping baldness natural way! Because is has high percentage of ricinoleic acid and vitamin E, castor oil has regenerative attributes! Because of this, castor oil is first choice when it comes to hair growth and stop baldness natural way! Castor oil has ability to go deep inside skin and scalp. By doing this, it stimulates and renewing hair root cells! You need to rub castor oil into scalp and let your skin absorb it! Result will not be seen immediately but they will come so be persistent!

October 15, 2014

Castor oil for striae

You have issues with striae or stretch marks? They don't look nice and you want to get rid of them? There are many products out there that are reducing striae but they are usually not cheap. There are much more cheaper and more simple solution for your problem! Of course, we are talking about castor oil! Castor oil for striae is not very common to use just because there is no cosmetic industries behind it!

What are striae actually?

striae castor oil issue scars acne
Striae are scars created during rapid skin stretching! As your body grows, your skin is stretching too. But usually body grows at much higher rate then skin can stretch. Because of that skin breaks and striae is created at that break point. Striae are usually getting in puberty when body rapidly grows and in pregnancy when belly is rapidly growing! Woman generally has more problems with striae because of pregnancy and breast growing during puberty. They are located in these areas: bottom, ties, belly, breasts and upper arms!

How to stop striae from creating?

It is very difficult to stop striae from creating. This would mean that you have to control muscle and fat tissue growing and that is almost impossible because are body are design to grow during puberty and pregnancy! There is no way to order muscle to stop growing! But we can do something else! We can make skin more elastic so that breaking of skin is reduced to minimum! There are lots of product for striae prevention but using castor oil can make your skin elastic as well! Castor oil is maybe best because it makes your skin elastic, renewing it and regenerating it!

How to remove striae?

In case that you already have striae, then you need to know one BIG truth! Striae are impossible to remove by using oils and creams. Because they are basically scars, they can not be removed with out surgery. For those who got money, laser surgery give really good results! Even dough then cannot be removed, they can be reduced! One of best natural ways to do this is by using castor oil! Rub castor oil on striae. Because castor oil has regenerative character it improves skin regeneration and reducing striae!

Castor oil for scars

Castor oil has various appliances! You can use it as laxative, hair growth, hair regeneration, for damaged skin, faster growth and thicker eyebrows and eyelashes,etc. But did you know that it can also remove scars from acne? Castor oil is really magical!

Castor oil for scars

castor oil for scars
Because it has high percentage of ricinoleic acid and vitamin E, castor oil can regenerate skin, hair, nails,etc. You can use just castor oil or you can combine it with some other oil or some other else! For instance, combination of castor and olive oil is excellent for cleansing are renewing skin! When it comes to scars on face, we are talking about scars that are left from acne!These scars can be huge problem, not in a medical way but in comes to self confidence! So how to remove these scars? One of the best methods is to use castor oil for acne! This is common castor oil that you can buy in any supermarket or pharmacy store! Gently rub castor oil in problematic area! You can use cotton, towel or simply use your finger. In time skin will absorb castor oil. In case that you want to go out you can always but small patch! Of course, then you will be like Nelly! First results you will see in a few days!
castor oil for scars acne

Castor oil and baking soda - mask for acne scars

One of many recipes that you can find on the internet is combination of castor oil and baking soda. It's easy to make this mask. Just take few table spoons on castor oil and pour some baking soda in it! You need to make something like face cream so do not put too much or to little baking soda. Put this mixture on problematic place! You should see first results is a few days!

October 14, 2014

Castor oil for nails

Your are not satisfied with your finger nails? Nails are not strong enough and they always crack even dough you tried everything? These is simple solution and it's calls castor oil for nails!!!

Castor oil for nails

Most people do not know but castor oil is one of the healthiest oils! It can regenerate damaged skin and hair, make hair grow again,etc. High percentage of ricinoleic acid and vitamin E are responsible for that! It can repair hair, cleanse your face, make your eyelashes and eyebrows grow faster, make your nails stronger and thicker! If you want your nails to be stronger you should do the following! This is most simplest way! First wash your hands. Dry them! Put castor oil on nails. You can do it by using cotton or simply by using your fingers. Rub castor oil into nails. It takes some time for nails to absorb castor oil. 20 minutes is enough.
Castor oil for nails
Rest of the castor oil take out with cotton or paper towel. Because castor oil has ability to go deep into skin and nails, it will regenerate your nails! First result you will see in a couple of days. Your nails will be again strong and shiny!

99% nail cream are bases on castor oil

There are many nail creams that will repair your nails! But if you read ingredients in then you will probably see that they have castor oil inside! They are usually combination of castor oil and some other nutrients like olive oil and honey!

Castor oil - how to store it?

Just like all natural oils you should also store castor oil in dark and cold place. It don't have to be a refrigerator but if you have extra space inside you can put it there. It is good enough to put in pantry because in there is cold and dark enough. If you would left in some bright space, in time it would start to smell and you would loose some good properties. If you would left it in very high temperature, vitamin E you be destroyed because in high temperatures vitamins do that. What ever you do, don't ever leave castor oil bottle on direct sunlight!

It's best to keep it in glass bottle!

ricinusovo ulje cuvanje
As for bottle, castor oil in pharmacy is sell in small plastic bottles. And that is totally OK! But, nothing can compare to glass! If you can, buy small glass bottle and pour castor oil from plastic bottle into glass bottle! Color of glass is no matter to as. It is also important to keep bottle closed so that air has minimum impact on castor oil!

October 13, 2014

Castor oil for cleansing face - DIY recipe

How to cleanse your face with castor oil? DIY recipe is here!!! This is combination of castor and olive oil! This will make wonders to you!!!Castor oil will go deep into your skin makes it healthy and clean and olive oil will make it moist and shinny!

Magical ingredients

- 2 cups of castor oil
- 2 cups of olive oil

Easiest way it to create this it to put it into bottle and simple shake it until oils mix together! It takes less then 1 minute to shake it! That is it!!! Castor and olive oil oil mixture is finished!

How to put castor and olive oil mixture on face?

castor oil for cleansing face
What do you need: 2 clean towels
On cotton or towel put some oil mixture and gently rub on your face. It would be very good if your take your makeup off before rubbing oil on face! If you didn't take it off, do not vary, oil will take it off! When oil is all over you face, leave it like for couple of minutes. Use clean towel and put it in hot water. Squeeze water out and put wet towel on your face.Leave towel for 30 seconds on your face.  Wet towel with remove rest of oil that your skin could not absorb leaving you skin clean and beautiful. If you did not remove all oil from face, repeat process with wet towel. You can use same towel.
If you can do this cleansing once a day you will see results in a week!

Castor oil for cleansing face

It may sound odd but you can clean your face by just using natural oils!!! This method is called oil cleansing method and you can use it for cleansing for face or body! This method is not expensive because to use it you do not need expensive body cosmetics! All you need to is some castor and olive oil!

Castor and olive oil - cleanse you face in no time!

castor oil for cleansing face
Castor oil has high concentration of vitamin E and ricinoleic acid! Because of this it is excellent for cleansing and giving your skin everything that she needs! Castor oil can go deep into skin and because of this makes it ideal substance for healthy skin! Castor oil also purify skin by taking out all the dirt! Castor oil is very greasy and densely but it can make your skin more dry! Because of this is it good to use it in combination with olive oil! Olive oil makes your skin moist and shine! Combination of this two oil is best thing that you can do for your skin!

Castor oil for growth of eyebrows and eyelashes - DIY recipe

Here is one recipe that will make you eyebrows and eyelashes quickly repaired, getting longer and thicker! Of course castor oil is one of main ingredients! 

Ingredients for growth of eyebrows and eyelashes

  • 1 table spoon of castor oil
  • 0.03oz dry nettles  leaves
  • 1 cup of water

Lets make this and make you eyebrows and eyelashes grow!!!

castor oil for eyebrows and eyelashes
Boil nettles leaves for 5 minutes in water! After boiling, let them cool of for 20 minutes. Take the leaves out. Squeeze out water from these leaves into cup. One table spoon of this liquid mix with castor oil! That is it! You eyebrows and eyelashes are now ready for this magical growth thanks to castor oil!

How to use this 

Put this mix on eyebrows and eyelashes before sleep and let them to absorb! In the morning wash eyebrows and eyelashes with warm water. In a few days you should be able to see change!

October 9, 2014

Castor oil for eyebrows and eyelashes

All body hair including eyebrows and eyelashes continuously fall off and replaced by new one! For faster growth and more beautiful look special care is needed! For women this is very important because many times that seductive look is all it takes to get that man! Because it has an almost magical impact on all types of hair, castor oil is ideal for improving your eyebrows and eyelashes! Maine reason for damaging eyelashes is not removing makeup before going to sleep! Makeup makes eyelashes heavier than they should be and more you use intensive makeup, bigger are the chances for your eyelashes t0o fell off!

How to put castor oil on eyebrows and eyelashes?

castor oil for eyebrows and eyelashes
Simplest way to do it is to rubbing it gently into eyebrows and eyelashes. How to do this? Simply put some castor oil on your finger and gently start to rub. In case that you don't like to use fingers, you can dip some cotton in castor oil and rub it in. Best time to do this is before going to sleep because you will not have a problem of being a bit oily around your eyes! Castor oil is very friendly and there is no side effect in case some of it goes into your eyes!

Castor oil for hair

Castor oil for hair

Castor oil gives your hair healthy look and makes it stronger! But it also can speed up hair growth and can make your hair start growing again! Castor oil is thickly with golden yellow colour! Castor oil is produced from cold pressed castor plant seeds! Reason why this magnificent  oil is so nutrient is because it contains ricinoleic acid which have regenerative ability but is very rare! This oil also has very strong antibacterial ability!
Castor oil helps your hair in numerous ways:
  • It has hydrating effect on your hair and scalp! Castor oil has huge penetration power and because of this it goes deep into your scalp! Because of this, it reaches down into roots of your hair and penetrate inside your hair from its root! Other oils for hair only ability to foil over hair and have no effect on inner parts of hair!
  • Castor oil have ability to encourage hair growth even on places that hair stop to grow!
  • If you use it on regular bases, it can repair your damaged hair caused from chemicals! Omega-6 acid will make your hair strong and shiny!
  • Castor oil keep moisture on place where you put it!

castor oil for hair

How to put castor oil on hair?

Best effects of castor oil for hair is if you put it on hair just after you washed your hair! Hair needs to be moist! It is not good to put too much oil on hair because it will make it to sticky and you will make a mess! When you put oil on hair you should only put it on your scalp or hair ends. After you put it on hair, put a towel, plastic bug or bathroom hat on head. This way you won't make a mess in your home! Leave castor oil on your hair for two hours. During this time, your hair, scalp and hair root will receive enough nutrients! After this period of time, wash your hair and that is it! In couple od days or weeks your and everybody else will notice the difference!

Castor oil for skin

When someone mentions castor oil usually first association is its use as a laxative! But castor oil have much bigger usage in the cosmetic industry as one of the main ingredients for beauty creams, balsams and numerous body milk for renewing skin, hair and nails!

Ricinoleic acid and vitamin E

Castor oil has a high percentage of vitamin E and ricinoleic acid! Ricinoleic acid is very rare in nature but very large percentage is stored in castor plant seeds. The combination of ricinoleic acid and vitamin E is the perfect combination for renewing dry and broken skin! In case that you have problems with acne, rubbing skin with castor oil will clean up problematic areas, skin will appease and your acne will vanish! Also, if you have skin irritation, putting castor oil on irritated skin will calm it down!

Castor oil for skin

castor oil for skin
High level of vitamin E is also crucial for calming down skin irritation or if you have some mild fungus infection. In case that you do not have any medication for disinfection  of small wound, cut or tear of skin you can use castor oil for disinfection because it also has antibacterial effect! 
So, what is the big secret? The Secret is this - because castor oil has specific structure it has the ability to enter deep in skin! Because of this, this magical oil reaches out in deeper skin layers and give it all nutrients that are stored in oil! Other oils do not have this ability! Castor oil is easy to buy in local drug store and its not expensive!

October 8, 2014

Castor plant seed

As you probably know castor plant is one of the most poisoned plants on Earth! This is because it has substance called ricin! Only thing that can be used for human consumption is oil from cold pressed castor seed. So only thing that is interesting for humans are castor plant seeds! Seed is locked inside castor "fruit". Fruit is cocoon that has three sections. It can be elliptic or round shape. Fruit has spikes  and depending on sort of castor plant they can be long or short! When it reaches mature state, fuit will break up and seed will fall on ground. From total fruit weight on seed weight goes about 70%. Seeds have round shape and they look like beans!castor seed castor oil plant
Castor seed cannot be consumed in this form because inside of them is also ricin - one of the deadliest poisons on planet! Lethal dosage  for average human is just few seeds! For castor oil too use from castor seed, seed has to be cold pressed! Only after this you can consume castor oil!

Castor oil as a laxative

Usually first association when someone says castor oil is person running to the toilet while face of that person is covered in sweat! In reality things are a bit different. But first, a little introduction ... Castor oil is one of the best and easiest natural ways to quickly resolve constipation. The reason for this is ricinoleic acid, which is very rare in nature and in castor oil more then 90% of the content is this rare acid! This acid is main reason why the castor oil is so beneficial. One table spoon of castor oil after a meal is enough to clean out the intestines.

Castor oil as a laxative

You have to be very careful when it comes about consumption of castor oil has. If you consume too much of this magical oil it can lead to dehydration of body. The amount of oil that is enough to resolve constipation may vary and it depends on how many pounds you have, how much do you move and how old you are! Fastest effect of castor oil as a laxative you will have if you are physically active! Castor oil will very thoroughly clean up your intestine after consumption of just one dose! Oil will make your stool more liquid. Castor oil has no side efects, it is neutral and it will colm down your belly.
castor oil laxative
Ricinoleic acid is reason why this oil stimulates the intestine and resulting in purifying them. The oil also serves as a lubricant! It lubricates the intestines and getting rid of the stool without straining. If your are consirned how much time do you have to get to the toilet after consuming castor oil, effect is NOT instant! Reaction after consumation oil is not instantaneous! Normal reaction occurs in the period of one to three hours after consuming but it may vary depending of your weigh, physical activity and age! And of course, as you can see like on pictuure on right, you need to be very close to toilet!

How to grow castor oil plant?

Origin of castor oil plant is Africa but during the period of time it is migrated all over the world. Castor plant is tropical plant but it can grow in intermediate climate! On yearly bases more than 460 000 tons are produced all over the world!

How to grow castor oil plant?

castor oil plant
Because it is from tropical area castor plant needs lots of light! The plant does not like low temperatures but mature plant can take temperatures up too -3°C. It needs a lot of light! Plant also like high moisture and a lot of water! The more water it has, better it will grow! If there is a long dry season, leaves will start to fell off and oil level in castor seeds will be reduces drastically!Because plant has big need for sun, it does not like shades so if try to avoid it!

October 7, 2014

Obtaining castor oil

Castor oil has various usage in many aspects of life! It has very high viscosity, minimal change of its features depending of temperature, on temperature bellow zero Celsius it is still in liquid state and does not dry when in contact with air. Because all of this Castor oil is excellent for industrial usage! It has large appliance in leather and textile industries! It is also used for manufacturing synthetic rubber, artificial skin and other plastic substances, in cosmetic industries for manufacturing soups and other products! Cold pressed Castor oil is used for human consumption. In some countries it is used as salad oil!

Obtaining Castor oil

castor oil
For human consummation it is savee to use onlyy cold pressed Castor oil! Cold pressed is procedure of getting liquid part of something by just putting pressure on it with no adding heating or some third substance! In this way oil from olives is produced. This way of production is consider to be very best method and most healthy of getting any oil! In this way all good things that are stored inside of seed will remain in oil! You can press seeds several times. There is something called virgin oil. In case that you do not what that is it is oil from cold pressed seeds but only from first time pressing! Castor oil can be cold pressed oil or virgin cold pressed oil!

Castor oil plant

Castor oil plant you must have seen in someone backyard but just did not know that that beautiful plant is castor oil plant! Origin of this plant is Africa but in time castor oil plant was spread to Asia, Europe and America. Plant can live one or two years depending of climate. Plant has fully developed body. In tropical areas it can grow in really big plant up to  30 feet high! In normal climate it can grow up to 6 feet high. Most people grow castor oil plant as just decorative yard plant! In some local area this plant goes under different name! All though this plant is very nice it is one of most poisoness plant in the world. You should not in any case consume any part of castor oil plant! Cold pressed castor seeds oil is not poisoness and it can be used for human conssumation.

Castor oil plant - how does it look

castor oil plant
Most impressive thing about castor oil plant is its big red leaves! All thought some sorts have green leaves, most common are with red leaves! During its lifetime leaves colour changes from green to red! Root system is very large and it can go up to 6 feet in to the ground! Flowers of castor plant are from several inches to 2 feet long. This depends of castor plant sort and climate. Flowers are male and female so for castor plant to grow seeds one plant is sufficient! Flower grows in to  fruit. Fruit has small spikes. Inside fruit are three seeds. Seed of castor oil plant are most similliar to a been! In one


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